
Pinspiration is the best way to browse and post to Pinterest on your Windows phone. Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place to catalog and share the things you love. You don't need to have a Pinterest account to browse and share the amazing photos being posted here every day. Pinterest users can login to keep up with their stream then pin, like and repin photos to their heart's content. The application also has Live Tile which rotates through the most popular pictures currently being shared. Pin your favoriite pinners to start to see their latest pins as a Live Tile as well. Free version has ads and refreshing Pinners You Follow list is throttled. Buy the app to remove ads and unlock ability to get up-to-the-minute updates from Pinners You Follow.

Microsoft has silently though officially launched their new social networking website called (Social)

Microsoft has silently though officially launched their new social networking website called (Social) which has been devised by its FUSE Labs. This new social networking site (like others) will allow users to share images, links and posts. However it integrates all of these feeds onto one visually appealing profile page. Microsoft says that it combines social networking and search, to help its users find and share interesting web pages. Additionally it also provides rich media sharing and real-time video sharing. is something you might get by combining Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It is a place where you can share videos, pictures, links and other updates together in one single post. It also allows users to view a video with their friends and followers by using a feature called Video Party. also includes Facebook authentication, which means all Facebook users can easily access the new social network using their Facebook details and can choose to allows to post automatic updates on their Facebook stream.
Microsoft has also introduced a new button which goes along with and helps user to share all the interesting content from the web. This works similar to the Facebook Share or Google’s +1 button. will use search data from Bing’s public API. The company has mentioned that their plan is to create and develop an experimental research project using minimal set of features for the purpose of learning. Users can now request their invites simply from It looks like a decent and appealing social network, but do we really need it?

The Way You Use Windows Is About To Change Forever — Here's What You Need To Know

Starting this fall, any new PC you buy is going to look radically different. That's because Microsoft will release Windows 8, a drastic reimagining of its iconic operating system.
If you're not ready for the change, Windows 8 is going to seem pretty jarring. Everything from the way you access apps to the devices you'll be using the operating system on is going to change. So to get you prepared, we put together all the most important stuff coming to Windows 8.

All About RSS

RSS is an abbreviation that has evolved into the following, depending on their versions: • RDF Site Summary (also known as RSS 0.9; the first version of RSS) • Rich Site Summary (also known as RSS 0.91; a prototype) • Really Simple Syndication (also known as RSS 2.0)
Today, RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’, and it has the following 7 existing formats or versions: • 0.90 • 0.91 • 0.92 • 0.93 • 0.94 • 1.0 • 2.0 RSS tools refer to a group of file formats that are designed to share headlines and other web content (this may be a summary or simply 1 to 2 lines of the article), links to the full versions of the content (the full article or post), and even file attachments such as multimedia files. All of these data is delivered in the form of an XML file (XML stands for extensible Markup Language), which has the following common names: • RSS feed • Webfeed • RSS stream • RSS channel They are typically shown on web pages as an orange rectangle that usually has the letters XML or RSS in it. RSS feeds can be used to deliver any kind of information. Some of these ‘feeds’ include: • Blogs feed – each blog entry is summarized as a feed item. This makes blog posts easier to scan, enabling ‘visitors’ to zoom in on their items of interest. • Article feed – this alerts readers whenever there are new articles and web contents available. • Forum feed – this allows users to receive forum posts and latest discussion topics. • Schedule feed – this allows users (such as schools, clubs, and other organizations) to broadcast events and announce schedule changes or meeting agendas. • Discounts or Special feed – this is used to enable users (such as retail and online stores) to ‘deliver’ latest specials and discounted offers. • Ego or News Monitoring – this enables users to receive ‘filtered’ headlines or news that are based on a specific phrase or keyword. • Industry-specific feed – used by technical professionals in order to market, promote, or communicate with current (and prospective) customers and clients within their specific industries. RSS feeds enable people to track numerous blogs and news sources at the same time. To produce an RSS feed, all you need is the content or the article that you want to publicize and a validated RSS text file. Once your text file is registered at various aggregators (or ‘news readers’), any external site can then capture and display your RSS feed, automatically updating them whenever you update your RSS file. RSS tools are useful for sites that add or modify their contents on a regular basis. They are especially used for ‘web syndication’ or activities that involve regular updates and/or publications, such as the following: • News websites – as used by major news organizations such as Reuters, CNN, and the BBC. • Marketing • Bug reports • Personal weblogs There are many benefits to using RSS feeds. Aside from being a great supplemental communication method that streamlines the communication needs of various sectors, RSS tools and feeds can also have tremendous benefits in your business, particularly in the field of internet marketing. RSS tools and feeds provide Internet users with a free (or cheap) and easy advertising or online marketing opportunity for their businesses. Below are some of the RSS features that can help make your internet marketing strategies more effective. 1. Ease in content distribution services. With RSS, your business can be captured and displayed by virtually any external site, giving you an easy way to ‘spread out’ and advertise them. 2. Ease in regular content updates. With RSS, web contents concerning your business can now be automatically updated on a daily (and even hourly) basis. Internet users will be able to experience ‘real time’ updates as information in your own file (such as new products and other business-related releases) is changed and modified simultaneously with that of the RSS feeds that people are subscribed to. 3. Custom-made content services. With RSS, visitors can have personalized content services, allowing them total control of the flow and type of information that they receive. Depending on their interests and needs, visitors can subscribe to only those contents that they are looking for (such as real estate or job listings). 4. Increase in (and targeted) traffic. With RSS, traffic will be directed to your site as readers of your content summary (or 1 to 2 lines of your article) who find them interesting are ‘forced’ to click on a link back to your site. These are just several of the many things that you can do with RSS. The possibilities are endless, and they are all aimed at providing you with an effective internet marketing strategy for your business. In the mean time, Good Luck on your journey to success… source...


Hi friends… I found a new keyboard while browsing some techs.. with some bit of confusion gone into the details of it.They divided the key board and integrated the mouse with it. but.
But i don’t know how practically good it is… you can also check the details at Source:

What is inside of your credit card ?

Credit card,Debit card, ATM Card..etc., whatever the type of card all these cards became part of our body.All these cards are almost physically same. All the content written on the credit card are visible except the data inside the magnetic strip placed at the top of the reverse side of the card.
Do you know whats inside this magnetic strip? This magnetic strip containes three tracks for storing data. 1. first track contains information about primary account number, user name, country code, card expairy date and 79 characters of discretionary data,all mixed in with separators and other characters, all this data is magnetically encoded. 2. Second track also contains the same information of the first track with 40 characters of discretionary data and separators 3. Third track is of both read and write. No standard format is defined ,data on this track may vary with the bank,it may have the data like PIN,Currency type..etc, What actually happens when you swip your card at ATM or Store? When your card is swiped through an electronic card reader at ATM or the checkout counter in a store , the reader will usually use its built-in modem to dial the number of a company that handles credit authentication requests.This company checks the information from the electronic card reader for a valid card number and expiration date, the card’s spending and usage limits and the store identification. After all the data checks out, the purchase/transaction is approved. If the magnetic strip on the back of your card becomes scratched, dirty or demagnetized, the card may not work properly and you will have to get a new one.

How to Check YOUR PAN CARD Details Online ?

PAN (Permanent Account Number) is a 10 digit alphanumeric number , It is in the format of laminated card issued by Income Tax Department of India. to know your PAN number online click the link below. link: just enter your surname and date of Birth in the fields provided then hit the button “submit query”, Your PAN Number,First name,Surname,JURISDICTION will be displayed.

How Google Search Works

Beautiful chart showing How Google Search Works is pasted below.This chart may help you at a glance idea of how Google search is works on your content published.

Tip to create a Folder without name

Do you ever tried to make a folder with out name,that means folder with no name.You cannot make this directly,such as create new folder press F2 to rename and leave blank as folder name.System won’t leave you allow blank folder name it returns to original(new folder). Here is the tip to create a folder with out name or removing name to an existing folder. first ensure your keypad ‘numlock’ key is on.then go to the folder and press F2 to rename the folder then type 0160 while pressing the alt key. try yourself and post your comments if you have other methods or tips.

Three Easiest ways to Download YOUTUBE Videos

How to Download YOUTUBE Videos is the most common question for the YouTube lovers.Here is the Three Easiest ways of Downloading YouTube Videos. 1.Add “kiss” or “save” before YouTube url . just add the word “save” or “kiss” before url of the the YouTube video you are will be navigated to the new page where download option with the required video format is available. 2.Replace “youtube” in the url with “voobys” just replace the word “youtube” in the url with the word “voobys”. you will be navigated to the new page with download button. click on the download button to download the youtube video. 3.Copy YouTube link(url) and paste at another simple method to download YouTube video is just a copy and paste method.First copy the YouTube link/url and open the web page ,paste the youtube video link/url then click Download.

10 highly recommended WordPress plugins

WordPress is the most widely used web blogging software and thousands of websites are powered by WordPress. WordPress extends its functionality by the use of plugins, which make the naked WordPress blog into an efficient web publishing platform. The top 10 plugins I use in most of the WordPress installations are the following. It is highly recommended you to use these plugins when setting up your WordPress software. Ten must have WordPress plugins for your site 1. All in One SEO Pack – It is one among the best plug-in to make the WordPress blog search engine friendly. The best option in this plug-in I like is the ability to write search engine friendly titles that are different from the page heading.
2. Google XML Sitemaps – As you are aware, sitemaps are a key page Google and other search engines look for to index all your pages. The WordPress plugin Google XML sitemaps generate dynamic sitemaps very easily.
3. WP Super Cache – Caching of the dynamic pages helps reducing the load on the server. Caching helps the webserver to deliver the pages as static pages and thus faster response. One among the best caching plugin for WordPress is WP Super Cache.
4. WP-DB-Backup – Many times, the database get corrupted for various reasons. WP-DB-Backup helps in backing up the database tables for later retrieval.
5. Redirection – Pages and URLs may turn non-existent and result in 404 pages. Redirection of the page to the right page is important for keeping your users engaged. Redirection plug-in help you do this.
6.Akismet – Akismet helps you fight spam comments on your blog Stats – Along with Google Analytics, I use stats for traffic analysis. It is easy to track your visitors, just by using this plugin, without leaving your dashboard.
8. WP-Paginate – WP-Paginate helps you allow your visitors navigate through the archive pages easily.
9. YARRP – Keeping visitors engaged is the way to have more page views. This plugin provides an option to display the old related stories in your blog below the current story.
10. WPtouch – Finally, now most of the web browsing is happening thru, smart mobile phones. This plugin automatically changes your WordPress blog into mobile friendly web site, especially with iPhone it works as an iPhone application

Steve Jobs Life,Career and dead animation video

1. Steve did LSD in college 2. The man who delivered (built) the Apple was the engineer, Steve Wozniak 3. Buzz and Woody signify Steve’s acquisition of Pixar 4. The lightsaber battle indicates that Windows and Apple started competing 5. The phones being money indicate the iPhone’s begginning 6. The man with the rainbow is Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO 7. The rainbow probably indicates his involvement with LGBT

What Does HTML5 Do?

HTML5 is the next Web programming standard.The key features of HTML5 are Storage: Data can be stored on user’s computer or mobile web apps work without an internet connection. Type: Web pages can have flashier type with more fonts,shadows,colors and other effects. Motion : Objects move on web pages and react to the movements of a cursor. Games : Interactive games can run with just a web browser without installing other software or plug-ins. Audio : Audio is played without a plug-in. 3D : A technology called WebGL can create interactive 3 – D effects using a computer’s graphics processor. Video : Video can be embedded in a web page without a plug-in.

Building Android/iOS Apps Using C#

If you came from Windows background and you wanted to try creating applications that will be used for Android and iOS but you don't have Macintosh machine, then you can try to use Mono from Xamarin.

They have been working closely with Microsoft in the past to provide open source platform which is compatible with Microsoft's .NET specifications and now, they want to improve it much further by adding support to iOS and Android SDKs.

For iOS, you might want to try Mono  Touch and Mono for Android is for Android. Both projects are updated frequently and they are keeping up with the latest version of SDK available by both vendors (iOS 5 and Android 4 Ice Cream Sandwich).

Since it's .NET based, it's well integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio and since it's also available for Mac, you can also use XCode as your IDE and use .NET classes in your MonoTouch apps. You can also easily bind existing C and Objective-C libraries.

GODFATHER ( Kannada Version ) Official Trailer - Releasing Soon !


Safe Trailer (Jason Statham)

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