Bookviser is a free application for downloading and reading electronic books (eBooks) on Windows Phone 7. With Bookviser you can:
  • read texts in EPUB, FB2 and TXT formats
  • import EPUB, FB2 and TXT files from your own collection right on your phone
  • search and download FREE public domain books as well as original books from digital libraries like Feedbooks
  • read with comfort (customize fonts and colors, add bookmarks, search through book, browse book contents, pin book tile to home screen)
You can download Bookviser in Marketplacehere.

Apple set to launch iPad Mini today

Post launch of Apple’s flagship product iPhone 5, lot of speculations were prevailing in the market regarding the Apple’s next hot gadget, iPad mini, which is expected to be rolled out today in an event being organized by Apple at San Jose, California.

The event was confirmed through an invitation sent by Apple Computers saying "We've got a little more to show you."

If the news from various blogs to be believed, the device is expected to have a screen size of 7.85 inches and is expected to be in the range of $249 to $399. Though nothing is yet confirmed by Apple as usual, but the lost of speculations have already been flooded on internet confirming the same.

The device is expected to be another contestant in the market being currently occupied by Amazon Kindle, Samsung tab and Google Nexus 7. With the launch of the iPad mini, apple aim to give a stiff competition to the existing players. Meanwhile, the launch is planned just 3 days before Microsoft’s Windows 8 which is planned on 26th October 2012 followed with the launch of its much awaited Microsoft Surface.

According to a recent report published by Wall Street Journal, Apple has already begun production of 10 million of the new iPads.

On the other side, Google is also rumored to launch its next-gen Nexus 10 tablets on October 29th which is expected to bring a revolution in the PPI (Pixels Per Inch) segment thereby surpassing the boundaries of Retina Display offered by Apple.

Source:Apple set to launch iPad Mini today

Acer Iconia W700 - An Overview

Finally, its October now - the month that sees the debut of Windows 8. It's not just the Windows 8, the electronic giants like Microsoft, Samsung and Acer are also releasing tablets for this new operating system. It's been around 4 months since the world's third largest company – Acer, revealed its Windows 8 lineup of devices that included two main devices Acer W700 and Acer W510. The expectations are increasing day by day with the launch of Microsoft's new operating. And now, there is loads of information that about the much-awaited tablet Acer Iconia W700 Windows 8. The Iconia W700 has an 11.6 that runs on Windows 8 operating system along with an i3 or i5 Ivy Bridge chip. It’s quite a hefty tablet that comes with a charging dock, an Acer's Bluetooth keyboard and a mouse. Acer's W700 tablets are portable devices designed to be full-powered computers. Like the other Iconia devices, the W700 also boasts an IPS 1080p full HD display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. It's now easy to tilt the tablet at a variety of angles just by pairing it with a cradle dock. The tablet comes with the standard load-out of sensors that includes gyroscope, an electronic compass and accelerometer. Apart from this, there are many more interesting features of the three W700 models. Operating System: Windows (8 Pro) Weight: 2.3 pounds Resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels Technology: IPS LCD Touch Technology: Capacitive Multi-touch Screen Type: LED-Backlit LCD Processor: Dual core, Intel Core i3 and i5 Built-in storage: 64 GB System memory: 4096 MB RAM Graphics Processor: Intel HD Graphics 400 Camera: AutoFocus - 5 megapixels rear camera, a 720p front-facing camera Speakers: Stereo Speakers Audio: Dolby Home Theater v4 audio Camcorder: 1920 x 1080 video calling USB: USB 3.0 Wi-Fi: 802.11 a, b, g, n HDMI: Micro HDMI (Type D) Sensors: Gyroscope, Compass, Accelerometer Battery life: Up to 9 hours Source:Digital Sensus - Technology Up-to-date: Acer Iconia W700 - An Overview

The currency of the internet is personal data

There seems to be a lot of surprise surrounding the amount of personal data that is being used by websites and social networks, as if all of a sudden this is new. Yes, Facebook in particular has received a lot of flak for its secrecy of using personal data for Marketing and Advertising purposes. The secrecy should be more upsetting than the fact that in this instance, Facebook uses personal data to substitute for dollars. Many ask why… the answer? Facebook is a business. As much as we (the users) like to think that Facebook is ours and arguably, we have helped build Facebook, since it is after all, a user based platform. However, it is a service, regardless of the fun we have, the connections we make, or the farms we tow. Facebook is a business, just like any other corporation, they too have to make money in order to provide us with the ability to create status updates, pages for our businesses and mafia wars. It may be harder to fathom the idea that they use our personal information to pass on to third-party apps and advertisers. Perhaps to some, this is trading morals for another M word… money. But this is not the first website to do this, nor will it be the last. Any site where you share ANY type of information serves a purpose for that site. Mostly, the information is used for Marketing purposes and to gather analytical data to decipher what their targeted market is, age group, location and gender that their products appeal to, this includes auto-connecting even your social sites without having to fill out a sign-up form. You have to pay for convenience too. Nothing is free, and just because you are not having to pull out your credit card or having to use your PayPal account, doesn’t mean you are not “paying” with something. Sites like Google, Twitter, and any site that you sign into… they then have some sort of personal data. It is the Internet, as much as we love it and use it; we must never completely lose our inhibitions, our common sense or the responsibility of our own personal data. Since after all, websites, including Facebook would not have personal information if we (the user) thought twice about posting it. With that said, we must get use to the fact that the more social we get on the web, the more information will be provided and since we are accustomed to not having to pay for sites like Facebook, we must prepare ourselves that the currency of the Internet is Personal Data.

Mobile site vs apps

Ever since mobile devices really started becoming a primary method of surfing the internet and performing various online tasks, experts have debated over whether businesses and organizations need mobile websites, mobile apps, or both to help their presence online. In many ways, it comes down to goals – is it bulk exposure or user stickiness that’s important?

A vintage inspired electric bike that will move you, literally

The way they made bicycles in the 50’s were beautifully designed and crafted; they looked like a metal piece of art on two wheels. Today, that vintage look is making a comeback with many bicycle companies looking to replicate that old school style. As cool as that is on its own, there is one company that is upping the ante by adding a motor to its sleek design and optimizing comfort for easy riding. Hammacher offers an electronic bike for extended hours of riding, with its 500-watt electric motor you can get that extra push up a hill or add speed to your journey. Its design is made for ultimate comfort and much like a motorcycle; the twist of the right handle bar will help you control the motor’s variable speeds and a simple button enables you to adjust the six gears to suit the terrain. You can have up to 30 hours of joyful cruising due to its detachable 36-volt lithium chargeable battery. This classic cruiser will allow you to feel the wind within your hair, the air beneath your feet and you will look classy riding this to work or to school. This electric bike travels at 20mph with the motor only or you can get adventurous by pedaling with the motor on to increase your speed. It’s all about the journey, not always the destination, so let this vintage style bike take you for a ride, literally.

Dropbox web interface updated to show file changes instantly

Multi-platform cloud storage app Dropbox has updated its web interface today so that any changes made from other browser instances or apps reflect almost instantly. For example, renaming or moving a file using one of the company's official client apps will show up in a split second in the browser. File changes are already reflected immediately on the PC and Mac clients, so it's nice to see Dropbox bringing its web interface up to speed. While this isn't as significant a change as the recent rethinking of shared folders, a snappy web interface is sure to please the Dropbox collaborators out there. Via The Next Web Source Dropbox blog

LinkedIn Will Integrate With The Next Version Of Microsoft Office

LinkedIn announced on its blog this evening that Microsoft will support integration with the social network in the upcoming version of Office.
Users will be able to log in with their LinkedIn credentials in Outlook and see profile information like photos and status updates for anyone who emails them. LinkedIn data will also be added to contact cards in Outlook.
Microsoft Office is available as a free consumer preview now and is expected to formally launch early next year.


7 Destructive Thought Habits That Can Hold You Back From Living a Happier Life

”The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
Albert Einstein
Your thoughts and mind are truly powerful. A change or a positive habit when it comes to your thinking can make a world of difference.
But on the other hand, getting stuck in the same old thought habit can be that one thing that cripples you, paralyses you, causes much suffering and gets you stuck instead of getting you to move forward towards a happier and more positive life.
In this article I’ll explore 7 common destructive thought habits that I have had to struggle quite bit with in the past and what I have done to overcome or at least minimize them. I hope you’ll find something helpful in this article.
1. You see things in black and white.
Instead of seeing life as it is, somewhat messy with a lot of exceptions to different rules, you see things in black and white. You are right and someone else is wrong. This way is good and that way is bad. Things are either this way or that way and there no exceptions or gray areas.
This makes it harder to make sense out of things, to take action in the right way and can be a way of thinking that makes you more and more inflexible as time passes. You get stuck and you can become terribly critical and unfair towards yourself and other people. You put barriers in your mind and life and this creates a lot more unhappiness and suffering than necessary.
What to do about it:
  • Try to understand the other side. It’s easy to stick to your point of view. But you can gain powerful insights about the other person and yourself too by trying to understand their point of view. This also tends to decrease harshness and negativity and can make it easier to reach an understanding where both parties feel more satisfied with the solution.
  • Be aware. Like with any habit in this article, just being aware and paying attention during your normal day can help you to discover and reduce these thought patterns by stopping that thread of thought and then changing what you focus on.
  • Find the exception. If thoughts pop up telling you that you suck in school or that your partner never helps out at home then say stop before those thoughts become a big black cloud of anger. Pause for a second or two. Then ask yourself: what is the exception to this thought? Find one exception or more to that black and white thought you are feeding.
    You may for example realize that your partner cooks a lot of the food at home or do many of the repairs. Or that you are pretty good at writing and geography but have some improvements to make when it comes to math.
2. You look for problems even when there are none.
This is a weird one. In the past I have found myself looking for problems even when there are none really. I think in part comes from snapping back into your old mindset. I used to be much more negative and see problems everywhere for many years. So the mind is conditioned to operate that way and so used to it. So on some days you sit around and suddenly realize while thinking that you are looking for a problem in a situation or area of your life where there are none.
What to do about it: One thing that really helped me was to have this written down on my white board on my wall to remind me each day: “There is no problem”.
Nowadays, if I am faced with what I start thinking is a problem I ask myself: who cares? I most often then realize that this isn’t really a problem in the long run at all.
I also think this can come from thinking a bit too much about personal development and working on that. You become so accustomed to looking for solutions that your mind wants to find problems that it can solve. This personal development stuff is awesome. But read about and think about it in moderation and not all the time.
3. You are addicted to your comfort zone.
If you are always thinking about how to feel and be really, really safe then making a positive change will be impossible. The unknown and change is uncomfortable and scary to the mind because it tends to want your existence to be stable and continue to be as it has been so far.
What to do about it:
  • Do it in small steps. What holds us back in our zone of comfort is often a fear or that facing that fear head on might be overwhelming. Doing things in small steps allows you to stretch your comfort zone and slowly making it less uncomfortable and frightening.
  • Focus on the positive past. Realize it can be fun to get out of your comfort zone despite what your mind and feelings might be telling you before you get started. Think back to the previous times when you have broken out of your comfort zone. Focus on the positive memories, when you got out there, when you took a chance. And you will probably remember that it wasn’t so bad, it was actually fun and exciting and something new to you.
4. You think that what you feel now is just how it is.
One habit I used to have was that I used to think what you feel right now is kinda permanent. That it is how you really feel about things and will feel in the near future too. However, it is really hard to predict how you will feel just an hour or 15 minutes from now. The mind fools you as you identify with the emotions you are feeling right now. This can really hold you back.
What to do about it:
  • Use and strengthen your discipline muscle. You may for example not feel like going to the gym today. Your mind might say “It’s ok, you don’t need that anyway, you were there three days ago”. And so you lie back on the couch. But you can also say to yourself “No, today is workout day and I will go even though I don’t feel like it/don’t think I need to right now”. And so you go. And after you have been there for maybe 15 minutes you start to enjoy it and you’re glad you went.
  • Just be aware that your mind doesn’t always want what you know is the right thing to do. The mind often tries to get us to choose the easiest option in our daily lives. It makes it seem like what you feel now is reality. Even though emotional states are fleeting and you can change them around in just a few minutes or hours by going to that gym.
5. You think you already know how things work.
If you think that you already know something then your mind will not be open to actually learning it. Whatever someone is telling you, your mind will sort through based on what you think you know. You’ll only hear and learn what you what you want to hear and learn.
What to do about it: Whenever you want to learn anything it may be a good tip to disregard as much as possible of what you think you know. Keep your mind as open as you can. In my experience this makes it easier to pick things up and not disregard important stuff.
Of course, the ego often wants to jump in to meddle and strengthen itself by making you think that you already know whatever you’re about to learn. Be a bit careful with trusting that somewhat arrogant inner voice.
6. You get stuck in envy and it poisons your life.
Envy can be like a tiny devil on your shoulder that whisper words into your ear, gnashes on your soul and makes life into something that is often filled with suffering and much negativity. Or the envy can just be something that irritates and distracts you from time to time.
What to do about it:
  • Focus on yourself when it comes to comparing. Comparing what you have to what others have is a good way to make yourself miserable. It feeds your ego when you buy a nicer car or get a better job than someone else. You feel great for a while.
    But this mindset and the focus on comparing always winds up in you noticing someone that has more than you. That someone has an even better job or car than you. And so you don’t feel so good anymore. The thing is that there is always someone with better or more than you. So you can never “win”. You just feel good for a while and then you don’t.
    A more useful way to compare is to just compare yourself to yourself. Look at how you have grown and what you have achieved. Appreciate what you have done and what you have. See how far you have come and what you are planning to do.
    This will make you make you more positive and emotionally stable since you are no longer comparing and feeling envious of what the other guy have that you haven’t.
  • Be grateful for what you got. Besides comparing yourself to yourself it can be helpful to add a regular gratitude exercise to your life to minimize the envy. So take just two minutes out of your day to focus on being grateful for all the things you got. Make a list of them in your head or write them down in journal at the beginning or end of the day.
  • Get a life. If you find yourself sitting around too much and not having enough to do then it’s very easy to feel stuck and to get stuck in thought loops and go into a downward spiral. Simply by filling your life with more fun activities and people and the things you want out of life you won’t have time or a reason to be envious.
    Other benefits of getting a life are that you become a lot more relaxed and less prone to overreacting about the little things. So spend less time analyzing life and more time living and exploring it in whatever way you’d like.
7. You overthink.
I used to be a chronic overthinker. This makes taking action very hard, you analyze small things until they become big and scary in your head and in general overthinking things most often leads to a negative view of those things.
I have however successfully reduced or almost eliminated overthinking in my life. It did take time, but on the other hand you are in the company of your mind each day so you might as well start working on a better relationship between the both of you.
What to do about it: How did I do it? The most important thing was probably that I focused a big part of a year in my personal development on reading/listening to books by Eckhart Tolle like Stillness Speaks, A New Earth and The Sun Will Also Die and establishing a habit of being in the present moment.
I listened to those books over and over on my mp3 player while out walking, while riding the bus and so on. This had two big benefits: I was very focused on his advice and it popped up in my head during the day which made it easier to stay aware of though patterns and Tolle became a sort positive influence in my weekly life. Just like a friend can influence you with his/her positive, negative or ambitious attitude and vibe.
Practice being present and it becomes a lot easier to minimize overthinking and to use thinking as a tool rather than letting thoughts control you.
One effective way to realign yourself with the present moment and to let go of overthought thoughts that just run around in circles in your mind is to breathe. To just sit down for 2 minutes, close your eyes if you want and take relatively deep belly breaths. Focus 100% of your attention on the air going in and out of you during these 2 minutes. This calms the mind and body and gets you back into living in the moments that are unfolding right here, right now.
Set short deadlines for decisions. Another very helpful thing is to start using short deadlines. Instead of thinking about something for days, tell yourself that you have – for example – 30 minutes to think. Then you will make a decision.
I also use even shorter deadlines for smaller, daily decisions. I don’t sit around thinking about decisions like if I should exercise, make a phone call, try some new food or anything where I may feel a bit of resistance from within. Instead as soon as I think about it I make a decision to do it within maybe 10-30 seconds and I start moving.
I have found this to be a good way to become more decisive instead of falling into the paralyzing trap of overthinking.

MetroTwit app hits Windows 8 store

Already taking its fashion sense from Microsoft's Metro UI, MetroTwit has finally found a home in the Windows 8 store.

The Twitter client MetroTwit is now a full-fledged Metro app available free through Microsoft's Windows store.
MetroTwit users who install the app in the Windows 8 Release Preview will find it similar in many ways to its Windows desktop counterpart.
The app starts off by displaying a column for your traditional Twitter timeline. Clicking on a tweet opens an app bar at the bottom of the screen with a variety of options. You can view the tweet full-screen, reply to it, retweet it, and mark it as a favorite. More options let you open the tweet at Twitter's Web site via your browser, block the user of the tweet, or report the person as a spammer.
Clicking on the author of the tweet displays the person's bio and other details along with a list of recent tweets, followers, and followees. Clicking on a hyperlink within the tweet opens the corresponding Web page in your default Windows 8 browser, which at this point is Internet Explorer.
The left pane displays thumbnail images of your timeline and other columns that constantly refresh themselves with ongoing items. You can manage your columns to display thumbnails for direct messages, favorites, your own tweets, tweets in which you're mentioned, and items that you retweet.
And given the hefty screen real estate, you can add more columns beyond your timeline, for a total of three. So, for example, you can view your timeline, your own tweets, and your direct messages in one screen, similar to the TweetDesk app.
Want to post your own tweet? Right-click on any empty area of the screen, and the app bar appears with an option to create a new tweet. You can include a photo uploaded from your Windows Pictures gallery or snap one with your PC's camera.
The app makes modest use of the Windows 8 Charms bar. Hover your mouse in the lower right hot corner to display the Charms bar and click on the Search charm. You can search Twitter by name, topic, and other items. Search results then pop up in the main window.
Finally, clicking on your own Twitter name in the upper left corner displays your bio, your tweets, the people you follow, and the ones who follow you.
MetroTwit offers some of the same pros and cons that you'll find in other Metro apps. You can customize MetroTwit to show as much or as little information as you want. But unless you add multiple columns, part of the screen space is wasted. The user interface is nicely designed. But people unfamiliar with Windows 8 will have to poke around before they figure out how to access all the features and commands. I can see the app working smoothly on a tablet, but navigating via a mouse proved effortless as well. Like other Metro apps, MetroTwit is listed as being in preview mode. So I'm sure we'll see more changes and refinements along the way. But so far MetroTwit feels like a solid app for any tweeter using Windows 8.

Is Pinterest more popular than Tumblr in the U.S.?

New data compiled by Royal Pingdom seems to indicate that Pinterest has overtaken Tumblr in terms of traffic.
It's well known that Pinterest is growing in leaps and bounds. But is that success starting to outpace even popular microblogging site Tumblr in the U.S.?
Royal Pingdom today revealed the results of data it compiled comparing traffic for both Pinterest and Tumblr. The blog first turned to Alexa, and found Pinterest to be just inching out Tumblr in traffic. On Google Trends, Pinterest scored more daily unique visitors than Tumblr. However, analytics services Compete and Quantcast gave the nod to Tumblr.
Not satisfied with the results, Royal Pingdom moved on to research firms, and found that Experian Hitwise said Pinterest had become the third-most-popular social network behind Facebook and Twitter. It also extrapolated data from a report on Pinterest's growth through March, and applied that to the last few months to estimate that it now outpaces Tumblr usage in the U.S.
But before Pinterest runs a victory lap, it's important to point out that the data Royal Pingdom compiled should not be considered exact. All of the services, as well as the research firms, are estimating traffic. Alexa, for example, relies on data collected from those who have downloaded and installed its toolbar. And Experian's information from March did not include mobile traffic. Furthermore, some of the metrics measure only unique visitors, while others, like Alexa's, take a look at the combination of page views and unique visitors. Back in April, social-media marketer Tamba tried putting a figure to Pinterest's growth, saying that it had 4 million daily unique visitors coming to its service. That figure had doubled since January. Pinterest does not provide its own user data on its site. Tumblr, however, does. And according to that company, it serves more than 16.4 billion monthly page views worldwide. It currently has nearly 62 million blogs and 26 billion posts. It's clear that Pinterest and Tumblr are wildly successful. But trying to determine which is more popular in the U.S. without having raw data from both companies is extremely difficult and involves a lot of guesswork.

Web apps are coming in Firefox 16

Now that Mozilla's Firefox cross-platform trains are back on schedule, the browser prepares for Web app support and interactivity with the upcoming Firefox OS.
Mozilla took a big step toward the coming conflict between native apps and Web apps as it introduced Web app support to Firefox 16, which moved to the the developer's Aurora channel last Friday.
The Web app support in Firefox 16 Aurora (download for Windows, for Mac, for Linux, and for Android) means that when the Mozilla Marketplace opens to the public -- likely to be sometime before the end of 2012 -- people will be able to run Web-based apps through any iteration of Firefox. This is part of Mozilla's "Kilimanjaro" project, syncing up the various Mozilla projects in preparation for the Firefox OS push that's coming next year.
This comes on the heels of the Firefox 15 release to beta, which focused on major improvements to memory management on the desktop version. There's more in Firefox 16 than just Web apps, though. The desktop versions of the browser have turned on VoiceOver support by default for the Mac, and they also have improved the functionality of the built-in PDF reader across all platforms.
For Web developers, Aurora on desktops comes with Opus codec support turned on by default, per tab reporting in about:memory, and a new developer toolbar. Available through the Developer menu or Shift+F2, it offers quick links to developer tools, an error count for the Web Console, and a command line for faster keyboard access.

Firefox 16 Aurora for Android also comes with Web app support, and offers some new features that many competitors already offer. Reader Mode is new in this version, along with a Read Now book icon in the location bar. When you tap the Read Now icon, it'll add the site you're looking at to a "read it later" option called Reading List.
It's also got a new "tab send" feature that emulates the Chrome-to-Phone and Fox-to-Phone add-ons. When you choose Firefox Sync from the Share list, you can send the tab to any of your other computers or devices connected via Firefox Sync. Finally, search suggestions now appear when typing text into the location bar, along with recommendations from your history.
All four cross-platform versions of Firefox now support numerous unprefixed CSS3 features. This means that the Mozilla-specific prefixes for certain CSS3 code, the ones that begin "-moz-border-radius," for example, have been simplified to "-border-radius." A lot of this is about how the next versions of HTML and CSS are made, and what it really means is that the next-generation versions of those coding languages, HTML5 and CSS3, are maturing to a point where they are supported by a wider number of browser makers.
You can read the full changelog for Firefox 16 Aurora here, and Firefox 16 Aurora for Android here. Firefox 16 is expected to reach the wide-release stable version the week of October 8. 

Samsung’s New Galaxy Phone Tops 10 Million Sales

Samsung’s new Android smartphone, the Galaxy S III, is gaining traction quickly. Samsung Electronics said on Monday that it has already sold more than 10 million of the new Galaxy phones in less than two months.

Shin Jong-kyun, president of Samsung’s mobile communications unit, told Yonhap News Agency that the phone had surpassed the 10-million mark.

To be clear, whenever the Korean company says “sell” in relation to handsets, it means sales to retail channels, not directly to customers. However, the high number of sales to retailers indicates that the phone is in high demand.

Samsung’s introduction of this phone was particularly aggressive. In the United States, each of the four big carriers were selling the Galaxy S III. That should help it compete directly with Apple’s iPhone, which is available on all the major carriers with the exception of T-Mobile USA.

Samsung recently dethroned Nokia to become the world’s biggest phone maker, including smartphone and traditional cellphones. Apple is still the No. 1 smartphone maker.


Samsung planning to launch Windows RT tablet around October

Samsung is said to be working on a tablet that will run Windows RT and the device is expected to be available in October 2012. Windows RT is a version of Windows 8 that will run on ARM-based processors.

The report from Bloomberg states that, “Samsung has made a handheld computer built on Windows RT, the first version of Windows that works on ARM Holdings Plc (ARM) technology, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the plans haven’t been made public. Windows RT devices will be released in October, one person said.”

The Samsung Windows RT tablet is expected to run on a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. This is a bit of a surprise since Samsung has its own Exynos family of ARM processors.

Apart from third party hardware manufacturers, Microsoft too is getting into the tablet hardware battle. It recently announced the launch of its own Surface tablets. There will be two models available of the device – Windows RT and Windows 8. With the launch of the Surface tablets and third party hardware support, Microsoft is gunning to take a large chunk of the tablet market share currently dominated by Apple with its iPad.

Samsung isn’t a new player in the tablet market. It has launched a plethora of tablets that that run on the Android OS as well as a few Windows 7 tablets. According to the Telegraph, Apple is leading the market with a 58% market share. Samsung is far behind with 11% and this includes both the Windows 7 as well at their range of Android tablets.

Other manufacturers that are expected to launch the Windows RT tablets are Asus, Acer and Toshiba.

Hewlett-Packard has decided not to support Windows RT tablets but will introduce tablets running Windows 8. The Windows 8 version of the tablet runs only on the x86 chips.


Next Android Release: Jelly Bean

Google has confirmed that the next release of Android release will have a codename Jelly Bean. It's another food naming after Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, and Ice Cream. This is kinda surprising as Google will held Google I/O event on June 27, but they have announce it today. Looks like Google has more plan to announce in their annual Google I/O event next few days.

Opera Browser 12.00

After two months of running Beta version, finally Opera finalize their next major upgrade, Opera 12.00. Lots of new features are introduced on this new version, including:

  • Out-of-Process Plug-ins
  • 64 Bit version for Mac and Windows
  • Themes (just like Firefox's persona)
  • Address Field Enhancement
  • Full Hardware Acceleration (experimental)
  • RTL support
  • Windows and Tabs API
  • Web Spesification Support
    • WebRTC
    • HTML 5 Drag and Drop
    • CSS3 Animations and Transitions
    • DNT (Do Not Track)
    • Paged Overflow
    • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
What are you waiting for? Go Get Them now :)

Awesome Graphics Game Brutal Chase 3D is Back for WP

Guys .. I have just downloaded this game for my windows phone.. it's freeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! nice graphics... enjoy!! Brutal Chase was preleased and pulled about a month ago and there were a fewe people that grabbed it and said that the graphics (3D) were awesome and that the game play was fun. Another great aspect of the game is that it is free! Well Brutal Chase is back and still free and you can grab it on the Marketplace now:

Sony SmartWatch to launch by June-end for Rs. 6,299

Sony’s latest accessory for their smartphones has been doing the rounds abroad and finally, the company has decided to launch the SmartWatch in India. Sony India has confirmed this on their Facebook page that the SmartWatch will indeed launch by the end of June for an asking price of Rs. 6,299. What do you get for your money? Well, for starters you get a snazzy looking watch with a OLED colour display that comes with different colour straps, so you can match it to your personality. More importantly, it syncs with your Android phone and lets you read SMS, email, calendar reminders as well as social networking updates from Twitter and Facebook. You can even reject and mute calls and receive one through Bluetooth headset. The watch is compatible with other Android phones as well, so you don’t have to own a Sony branded phone to use it. The syncing is done over Bluetooth 3.0. Since the phone is also based on Android, it should be possible to port other apps as well to it other than the ones provided by Sony. his is not the first time Sony has launched a watch accessory for their phones. If you recall, way back when the Sony Ericsson T610 was all the rage, the company had the MBW-100 Bluetooth watch, only that time it was a standard analog watch with a OLED display at the bottom. The SmartWatch already has competition from the Pebble e-paper watch , that garnered quite a bit of interest at Kickstarter. The Pebble e-paper watch became the most funded project in the history of Kickstarter, only six days after launching. A project by Pebble Technology, the watch boasts of an e-ink display and has support for apps that will sync with your iPhone or Android phone. The display on the watch measures 144 x 168, black and white e-ink display, has four buttons, Bluetooth 2.1, 3-axis accelerometer and little vibrating motor. Sony’s offering may be more expensive, but you’re also getting a lot more like an OLED display and a more visually pleasing interface. You also be able to download compatible apps from the Google Play store. The main unit weighs about 15g and you can choose different coloured wristbands that are interchangeable. We still don’t know it the watch is waterproof like a standard watch. The pricing doesn’t seem too bad, if you ask us and once it launches, the street price could be even lower. Here's a little video tour of the SmartWatch from Sony:

Alleged iPhone 5 backplate on video, 7.9mm thickness and HD front camera

Looks like the iPhone 5 or new iPhone has been on the run this week with compelling rumors filling up the thread of most fanboyish sites we’ve visited. The highlights goes to alleged iPhone back plate making tons of hits on YouTube that was seen from the previous image leaked suggesting same probable 4-inch Retina-display screen obvious with the added height compared with an iPhone 4S. The video also revealed the details of unibody, thinner casing of about 7.9mm with front-panel being the only glass part, smaller dock and SIM card slot that seemed to reflect the recently approved ETSI Apple’s nano-SIM standard. Besides the significant redesign of the new iPhone build, Mingchi Kuo – an analyst for KGI predicts that the new handset will feature HD front-facing camera and placed center, like to the camera position of the iPod touch. If this will be in reality, the FaceTime chatters will have the 720p video instead of the VGA resolution on the current iPhone 4S. See the specs below:


Pinspiration is the best way to browse and post to Pinterest on your Windows phone. Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place to catalog and share the things you love. You don't need to have a Pinterest account to browse and share the amazing photos being posted here every day. Pinterest users can login to keep up with their stream then pin, like and repin photos to their heart's content. The application also has Live Tile which rotates through the most popular pictures currently being shared. Pin your favoriite pinners to start to see their latest pins as a Live Tile as well. Free version has ads and refreshing Pinners You Follow list is throttled. Buy the app to remove ads and unlock ability to get up-to-the-minute updates from Pinners You Follow.

Microsoft has silently though officially launched their new social networking website called (Social)

Microsoft has silently though officially launched their new social networking website called (Social) which has been devised by its FUSE Labs. This new social networking site (like others) will allow users to share images, links and posts. However it integrates all of these feeds onto one visually appealing profile page. Microsoft says that it combines social networking and search, to help its users find and share interesting web pages. Additionally it also provides rich media sharing and real-time video sharing. is something you might get by combining Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It is a place where you can share videos, pictures, links and other updates together in one single post. It also allows users to view a video with their friends and followers by using a feature called Video Party. also includes Facebook authentication, which means all Facebook users can easily access the new social network using their Facebook details and can choose to allows to post automatic updates on their Facebook stream.
Microsoft has also introduced a new button which goes along with and helps user to share all the interesting content from the web. This works similar to the Facebook Share or Google’s +1 button. will use search data from Bing’s public API. The company has mentioned that their plan is to create and develop an experimental research project using minimal set of features for the purpose of learning. Users can now request their invites simply from It looks like a decent and appealing social network, but do we really need it?

The Way You Use Windows Is About To Change Forever — Here's What You Need To Know

Starting this fall, any new PC you buy is going to look radically different. That's because Microsoft will release Windows 8, a drastic reimagining of its iconic operating system.
If you're not ready for the change, Windows 8 is going to seem pretty jarring. Everything from the way you access apps to the devices you'll be using the operating system on is going to change. So to get you prepared, we put together all the most important stuff coming to Windows 8.

All About RSS

RSS is an abbreviation that has evolved into the following, depending on their versions: • RDF Site Summary (also known as RSS 0.9; the first version of RSS) • Rich Site Summary (also known as RSS 0.91; a prototype) • Really Simple Syndication (also known as RSS 2.0)
Today, RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’, and it has the following 7 existing formats or versions: • 0.90 • 0.91 • 0.92 • 0.93 • 0.94 • 1.0 • 2.0 RSS tools refer to a group of file formats that are designed to share headlines and other web content (this may be a summary or simply 1 to 2 lines of the article), links to the full versions of the content (the full article or post), and even file attachments such as multimedia files. All of these data is delivered in the form of an XML file (XML stands for extensible Markup Language), which has the following common names: • RSS feed • Webfeed • RSS stream • RSS channel They are typically shown on web pages as an orange rectangle that usually has the letters XML or RSS in it. RSS feeds can be used to deliver any kind of information. Some of these ‘feeds’ include: • Blogs feed – each blog entry is summarized as a feed item. This makes blog posts easier to scan, enabling ‘visitors’ to zoom in on their items of interest. • Article feed – this alerts readers whenever there are new articles and web contents available. • Forum feed – this allows users to receive forum posts and latest discussion topics. • Schedule feed – this allows users (such as schools, clubs, and other organizations) to broadcast events and announce schedule changes or meeting agendas. • Discounts or Special feed – this is used to enable users (such as retail and online stores) to ‘deliver’ latest specials and discounted offers. • Ego or News Monitoring – this enables users to receive ‘filtered’ headlines or news that are based on a specific phrase or keyword. • Industry-specific feed – used by technical professionals in order to market, promote, or communicate with current (and prospective) customers and clients within their specific industries. RSS feeds enable people to track numerous blogs and news sources at the same time. To produce an RSS feed, all you need is the content or the article that you want to publicize and a validated RSS text file. Once your text file is registered at various aggregators (or ‘news readers’), any external site can then capture and display your RSS feed, automatically updating them whenever you update your RSS file. RSS tools are useful for sites that add or modify their contents on a regular basis. They are especially used for ‘web syndication’ or activities that involve regular updates and/or publications, such as the following: • News websites – as used by major news organizations such as Reuters, CNN, and the BBC. • Marketing • Bug reports • Personal weblogs There are many benefits to using RSS feeds. Aside from being a great supplemental communication method that streamlines the communication needs of various sectors, RSS tools and feeds can also have tremendous benefits in your business, particularly in the field of internet marketing. RSS tools and feeds provide Internet users with a free (or cheap) and easy advertising or online marketing opportunity for their businesses. Below are some of the RSS features that can help make your internet marketing strategies more effective. 1. Ease in content distribution services. With RSS, your business can be captured and displayed by virtually any external site, giving you an easy way to ‘spread out’ and advertise them. 2. Ease in regular content updates. With RSS, web contents concerning your business can now be automatically updated on a daily (and even hourly) basis. Internet users will be able to experience ‘real time’ updates as information in your own file (such as new products and other business-related releases) is changed and modified simultaneously with that of the RSS feeds that people are subscribed to. 3. Custom-made content services. With RSS, visitors can have personalized content services, allowing them total control of the flow and type of information that they receive. Depending on their interests and needs, visitors can subscribe to only those contents that they are looking for (such as real estate or job listings). 4. Increase in (and targeted) traffic. With RSS, traffic will be directed to your site as readers of your content summary (or 1 to 2 lines of your article) who find them interesting are ‘forced’ to click on a link back to your site. These are just several of the many things that you can do with RSS. The possibilities are endless, and they are all aimed at providing you with an effective internet marketing strategy for your business. In the mean time, Good Luck on your journey to success… source...


Hi friends… I found a new keyboard while browsing some techs.. with some bit of confusion gone into the details of it.They divided the key board and integrated the mouse with it. but.
But i don’t know how practically good it is… you can also check the details at Source:

What is inside of your credit card ?

Credit card,Debit card, ATM Card..etc., whatever the type of card all these cards became part of our body.All these cards are almost physically same. All the content written on the credit card are visible except the data inside the magnetic strip placed at the top of the reverse side of the card.
Do you know whats inside this magnetic strip? This magnetic strip containes three tracks for storing data. 1. first track contains information about primary account number, user name, country code, card expairy date and 79 characters of discretionary data,all mixed in with separators and other characters, all this data is magnetically encoded. 2. Second track also contains the same information of the first track with 40 characters of discretionary data and separators 3. Third track is of both read and write. No standard format is defined ,data on this track may vary with the bank,it may have the data like PIN,Currency type..etc, What actually happens when you swip your card at ATM or Store? When your card is swiped through an electronic card reader at ATM or the checkout counter in a store , the reader will usually use its built-in modem to dial the number of a company that handles credit authentication requests.This company checks the information from the electronic card reader for a valid card number and expiration date, the card’s spending and usage limits and the store identification. After all the data checks out, the purchase/transaction is approved. If the magnetic strip on the back of your card becomes scratched, dirty or demagnetized, the card may not work properly and you will have to get a new one.

How to Check YOUR PAN CARD Details Online ?

PAN (Permanent Account Number) is a 10 digit alphanumeric number , It is in the format of laminated card issued by Income Tax Department of India. to know your PAN number online click the link below. link: just enter your surname and date of Birth in the fields provided then hit the button “submit query”, Your PAN Number,First name,Surname,JURISDICTION will be displayed.

How Google Search Works

Beautiful chart showing How Google Search Works is pasted below.This chart may help you at a glance idea of how Google search is works on your content published.

Tip to create a Folder without name

Do you ever tried to make a folder with out name,that means folder with no name.You cannot make this directly,such as create new folder press F2 to rename and leave blank as folder name.System won’t leave you allow blank folder name it returns to original(new folder). Here is the tip to create a folder with out name or removing name to an existing folder. first ensure your keypad ‘numlock’ key is on.then go to the folder and press F2 to rename the folder then type 0160 while pressing the alt key. try yourself and post your comments if you have other methods or tips.

Three Easiest ways to Download YOUTUBE Videos

How to Download YOUTUBE Videos is the most common question for the YouTube lovers.Here is the Three Easiest ways of Downloading YouTube Videos. 1.Add “kiss” or “save” before YouTube url . just add the word “save” or “kiss” before url of the the YouTube video you are will be navigated to the new page where download option with the required video format is available. 2.Replace “youtube” in the url with “voobys” just replace the word “youtube” in the url with the word “voobys”. you will be navigated to the new page with download button. click on the download button to download the youtube video. 3.Copy YouTube link(url) and paste at another simple method to download YouTube video is just a copy and paste method.First copy the YouTube link/url and open the web page ,paste the youtube video link/url then click Download.

10 highly recommended WordPress plugins

WordPress is the most widely used web blogging software and thousands of websites are powered by WordPress. WordPress extends its functionality by the use of plugins, which make the naked WordPress blog into an efficient web publishing platform. The top 10 plugins I use in most of the WordPress installations are the following. It is highly recommended you to use these plugins when setting up your WordPress software. Ten must have WordPress plugins for your site 1. All in One SEO Pack – It is one among the best plug-in to make the WordPress blog search engine friendly. The best option in this plug-in I like is the ability to write search engine friendly titles that are different from the page heading.
2. Google XML Sitemaps – As you are aware, sitemaps are a key page Google and other search engines look for to index all your pages. The WordPress plugin Google XML sitemaps generate dynamic sitemaps very easily.
3. WP Super Cache – Caching of the dynamic pages helps reducing the load on the server. Caching helps the webserver to deliver the pages as static pages and thus faster response. One among the best caching plugin for WordPress is WP Super Cache.
4. WP-DB-Backup – Many times, the database get corrupted for various reasons. WP-DB-Backup helps in backing up the database tables for later retrieval.
5. Redirection – Pages and URLs may turn non-existent and result in 404 pages. Redirection of the page to the right page is important for keeping your users engaged. Redirection plug-in help you do this.
6.Akismet – Akismet helps you fight spam comments on your blog Stats – Along with Google Analytics, I use stats for traffic analysis. It is easy to track your visitors, just by using this plugin, without leaving your dashboard.
8. WP-Paginate – WP-Paginate helps you allow your visitors navigate through the archive pages easily.
9. YARRP – Keeping visitors engaged is the way to have more page views. This plugin provides an option to display the old related stories in your blog below the current story.
10. WPtouch – Finally, now most of the web browsing is happening thru, smart mobile phones. This plugin automatically changes your WordPress blog into mobile friendly web site, especially with iPhone it works as an iPhone application

Steve Jobs Life,Career and dead animation video

1. Steve did LSD in college 2. The man who delivered (built) the Apple was the engineer, Steve Wozniak 3. Buzz and Woody signify Steve’s acquisition of Pixar 4. The lightsaber battle indicates that Windows and Apple started competing 5. The phones being money indicate the iPhone’s begginning 6. The man with the rainbow is Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO 7. The rainbow probably indicates his involvement with LGBT

What Does HTML5 Do?

HTML5 is the next Web programming standard.The key features of HTML5 are Storage: Data can be stored on user’s computer or mobile web apps work without an internet connection. Type: Web pages can have flashier type with more fonts,shadows,colors and other effects. Motion : Objects move on web pages and react to the movements of a cursor. Games : Interactive games can run with just a web browser without installing other software or plug-ins. Audio : Audio is played without a plug-in. 3D : A technology called WebGL can create interactive 3 – D effects using a computer’s graphics processor. Video : Video can be embedded in a web page without a plug-in.

Building Android/iOS Apps Using C#

If you came from Windows background and you wanted to try creating applications that will be used for Android and iOS but you don't have Macintosh machine, then you can try to use Mono from Xamarin.

They have been working closely with Microsoft in the past to provide open source platform which is compatible with Microsoft's .NET specifications and now, they want to improve it much further by adding support to iOS and Android SDKs.

For iOS, you might want to try Mono  Touch and Mono for Android is for Android. Both projects are updated frequently and they are keeping up with the latest version of SDK available by both vendors (iOS 5 and Android 4 Ice Cream Sandwich).

Since it's .NET based, it's well integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio and since it's also available for Mac, you can also use XCode as your IDE and use .NET classes in your MonoTouch apps. You can also easily bind existing C and Objective-C libraries.

GODFATHER ( Kannada Version ) Official Trailer - Releasing Soon !


Safe Trailer (Jason Statham)


Change is Constant

One thing that I've noticed that never changes all through our lives is - Change. There is always something or the other around us that just keeps on moving back and forth. Isn't it rightly said that we are vibrational beings? We keep on changing in form, shape, location and so happen with the things around us as well. The only change that we notice the most is - Time!

My life is also no exception to this rule. It has been a roller-coaster ride already till now, with its own share of twists and turns, and ups and downs. However, these changes have only made me better as they came and transformed to another change. I somehow feel that "Change" is also a form of energy - it can neither be created, nor be destroyed, but only transformed from one form to another!"
Anyways, I am just thankful for whatever I am today and all that I've got so far. It has been one amazing adventurous ride and I look forward to a great time ahead as well. I remember reading a quote long time back, which goes like this -

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand - strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOOHOO - What a Ride!"
- Attributed to an octogenarian named Mavis Leyrer, of Seattle

Life is too precious to be wasted in compromising on things we don't really want. I believe in going where your passion takes you. I've always lived that way and that is what I am going to do now too.

After a long and tiring journey of corporate life and its politics, I am saying it a quit and going forward to another phase of my life. I am going to take my passion as my profession now and test myself where my true abilities lie.

I can't promise anything to myself as of now, except for the fact that I'd try to give it my best shot; rest only time will tell. I remember someone asked me once - "What should I do? Should I do something I am good at or something I really love to do?" and my answer to her was -
"Do what you love to do, because your passion will drive you in that and you will eventually become good in doing that. Excellence comes from passion and a vision that makes you push your limits so that you can build your road to success. There is no freeway for it."

So, here I am leaving my freeway journey and going to explore a different way for myself. All I can say now is I hope I do well! :)

So Much For Bouncer: New Android Malware Uses Facebook To Spread

Even though Google recently introduced a malware-blocking system called Bouncer to keep the Android Market safe from malicious software, crafty spammers and fraudsters are still managing to find ways around the restrictions to get their software onto users’ phones. The latest example? A malware program disguised, innocuously, as an Android app called “any_name.apk.” And it appears the malware is using Facebook’s app on Android phones in order to spread.
The software was discovered by security firm Sophos, which came across the malware after receiving a Facebook friend request. When checking out the user’s profile, the researcher, Vanja Svajcer, found a link posted to the requester’s Facebook profile page that, when clicked, directed the browser to a webpage which started an automatic download of an unknown software application to the device.
The software installed and downloaded immediately, without any request for authorization or input from the end user. However, although Svajcer doesn’t mention this in his analysis, for software to automatically install from outside the Google Android Market, the phone’s default settings must have been changed. Typically, Android phones are shipped with a setting switched on that prevents mobile apps from installing from sources besides the official Android Market. Many savvy Android users switch this setting off, though, because they enjoy the freedom that Android provides in discovering apps from alternative app stores and download locations – like the treasure trove that is the XDA Developers forum, for example.
Unfortunately, malware like this is the nasty side effect. And there’s nothing Bouncer can do about it. The link the researcher clicked did not appear to be an APK file by nature of its URL, just a typical website. And it was placed into the user’s About Me section on Facebook, as if it was a link to that person’s homepage.
Of course, many folks would simply ignore a friend request from someone they didn’t know, but curiosity often gets the better of us. (Do I know them? Did we meet at some point, and I forgot?) One errant click, and oops, you’re infected.
In this particular case, the malware in question appears to be a program designed to earn money for fraudsters through premium rate phone services, a scam popular outside the U.S. for the most part, which involves having unsuspecting users send out text messages to premium rate numbers (those that charge). The scammers, who are operating the numbers, end up collecting the money from the victims’ accounts.

The app attempts to associate itself with the Opera browser, and an encrypted configuration file contains the dialing codes for all the supported countries where the premium rate numbers are hosted.
As a side note: a few days later, the researcher visited the same URL, but was directed to an all-new website where another APK file was automatically downloaded (hilariously called “allnew.apk”). This one was functionally similar, but different on the binary level, indicating it was a new variant of the same malware.
Maybe it’s time for Android’s Bouncer guy to get pre-installed on handsets, too?

UPDATE: We spoke to Google about this issue, and they’re telling us that the software installation process portrayed in the Sophos video could not have occurred as demonstrated. Even with an off-market malware-ridden APK file, the app would have downloaded to the device, but additional user-initiated steps would need to have taken place before the software installed and ran as shown. We’re still awaiting a response from Sophos on that front.
To be clear, Bouncer is a good first step towards protecting Android users, but regardless of what methods are used to lock down the Android Market, spammers and scammers can always find another way in.

Microsoft Releases A Font Update For The Indian Rupee Symbol

The Indian Government approved the Indian Rupee currency symbol in July last year and within a span of less than three months, the symbol officially made it to the Unicode Standard.
The Indian IT department had initially proposed that the character code U+0971 be assigned to the Indian Rupee sign, as the code was within the range of Devnagri characters, but the Unicode Consortium approved the code U+20B9 which is the same range that is used for other currency symbols like Euro, Franc and Peso.
As the symbol is now a part of the official Unicode standard you need to update you existing fonts in order to type the new currency sign into a word processor or a spreadsheet using a regular keyboard.
There are a couple of fonts which support the Indian Rupee Symbol but they aren’t widely accepted fonts. So here is the good news, Microsoft recently updated all the common fonts that ship with Windows to include support for the new Indian Rupee symbol. You simply need to update your existing Windows fonts by installing the kb2496898 hotfix available for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 as well as Windows 7.
Once the update has been installed, launch Microsoft Word, change the document font to an update font, for example Arial, and type 20B9 followed by Alt+x.
There is however a small catch to this font update. If you add the Rupee symbol to your document through a computer with the new updated fonts and share it with somebody who doesn’t have the updated fonts, the person would just see some random junk character in place of the Rupee symbol.
So if you want to share a document with the Rupee Symbol, convert the document to PDF file with font embedding enabled which would preserve the character even if the font is missing in the other person’s computer.

File Hosting Status Updates

After Megaupload is taken down by the FBI, the rest of the file hosting services are just as anxious as the prior because they could be the next victim of this process.

Here's the status updates from the rest of the file hosting i got from Fiohnel Fiver on Google+:

  • MegaUpload - Closed.
  • FileServe - Closing does not sell premium.
  • FileJungle - Deleting files. Locked in the U.S.
  • UploadStation - Locked in the U.S.
  • FileSonic - The news is arbitrary (under FBI investigation).
  • VideoBB - Closed! would disappear soon.
  • Uploaded - Banned U.S. and the FBI went after the owners who are gone.
  • FilePost - Deleting all material (so will leave executables, pdfs, txts)
  • Videoz - closed and locked in the countries affiliated with the USA.
  • 4shared - Deleting files with copyright and waits in line at the FBI.
  • MediaFire - Called to testify in the next 90 days and it will open doors pro FBI
  • Org torrent - could vanish with everything within 30 days "he is under criminal investigation"
  • Network Share mIRC - awaiting the decision of the case to continue or terminate Torrent everything.
  • Koshiki - operating 100% Japan will not join the SOPA / PIPA.
  • Shienko Box - 100% working china / korea will not join the SOPA / PIPA
  • ShareX BR - group UOL / BOL / iG say they will join the SOPA / PIPA
Japan, China and Korea have a say NO to the FBI and that even if laws are passed in the USA will not have any value within the sovereignty of their countries!

P/S: mediafire has start deleting copyright protected files. Only left is the personal files.

Firefox 10 Released

It's February 1 and a new major release of Firefox has just been released. Firefox has now reached version 10. It's now available from auto-update mechanism that was built in into the product itself. If you happened to use a package from your Linux distribution, an update will come out soon enough since many packager disabled the auto update feature.

What's new on this release? According to the release notes, this version brings several new features such as:

  • CSS 3D Transforms
  • Anti-Aliasing for WebGL
  • Invisible Forward button (will be visible when you press the Back button)
  • Full Screen API
  • IndexedDB API
  • Inspect tool with content highlighting
Go get the new features and enjoy the new CSS 3D transformations (see some examples here)

ಮಕ್ಕಳ ಮೇಲೆ ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಕಲಿಕೆ ಹೇರುವುದು ಬೇಡ

ಸ್ವಾಮಿನಾಥನ್ ಐಯ್ಯರ್ ಅವರ ಅಂಕಣ ಅರ್ಥಪೂರ್ಣವಾಗಿದೆ.
ಮೊದಲ ಹಂತದಿಂದಲೇ ಮಕ್ಕಳಿಗೆ ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಶ್ ಕಲಿಸಲು ತೊಡಗುವುದು, ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಮಕ್ಕಳಿಗೆ ಹೇಗೆ ಓದಿನ ತೊಂದರೆಯೊಡ್ಡಬಹುದು ಎಂಬುದನ್ನು ಸಂಶೋಧನೆ ಮೂಲಕ ತೋರ್ಪಡಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ.
ಮೊದಲ ಹಂತದಲ್ಲಿ ತಾಯ್ನುಡಿಯಲ್ಲೇ ಕಲಿಕೆ ನಡೆಸಿ, ನಂತರದ ಹಂತಗಳಲ್ಲಿ, ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಶನ್ನು ಕಲಿಸಲು ತೊಡಗುವುದು, ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಮಕ್ಕಳ ಕಲಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿಸಬಹುದು ಎಂಬುದನ್ನೂ ತೋರಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ. 


I Didn’t Think Samsung Could Top Its Anti-Apple Ads… Until I Saw These

Apple customers are willing to camp out for “the next big thing” — but thankfully no humor is lost. What’s interesting, however, is that Samsung seems to be taking the whole “fanboi” thing a step further by showing off Google’s voice transcription and touting 4G LTE status.
The question of whether or not Samsung can make us laugh is already answered, but can they make us buy their phone? That’s an entirely different question.


Facebook Timeline Now Pushed To Everyone, Users Get A Week To Clean Up Profiles

You can run, but you can’t hide. Facebook’s biggest user interface overhaul since the Wall, theFacebook Timeline, is now becoming mandatory for all users. According to the company, over the next few weeks, everyone will get the new Timeline. And here’s the important part: when you do, you’ll have just seven days to preview what’s there now, and hide anything you don’t want others to see.
In case you’re unfamiliar, the Facebook Timeline makes it far easier for you to travel back through your Facebook posts – posts which normally disappeared off your Wall and into oblivion. The posts from these previous months and years are now accessible through new navigational elements on the right-side of your screen that let you quickly travel back in time to the day you were born.
You can fill in data from your pre-Facebook years using the new status update box, which now includes support for adding a specific year and various “life events.”  These events include things like marriages, births, deaths, new jobs, trips and vacations, new homes, and other things you might want to record in the scrapbook-like Timeline.
With Timeline’s added ability to find older posts, including those from the days before your boss, grandparents, mom and dad were on Facebook, users will need to do a rapid cleanup on their profiles when the Timeline goes live.
Facebook explains how to hide posts you don’t want to appear on your Timeline (click the pencil to hide, delete or edit a post). You can also use the privacy drop-down to change who can see posts (e.g. “Only Me”).

In addition, the company is releasing a new tool today called Activity Log, which is where you can review all your posts and activity, from today back to when you first started using Facebook. Fortunately, only you can see your activity log.

Previously, users had to go out and get Timeline for themselves. Facebook was specifically trying to not push it too hard. It wouldn’t show News Feed stories announcing your friends had migrated, for example, as the company wanted the Timeline to be an opt-in decision that allowed people enough time to moderate their profile posts. Giving users seven days to do the same is somewhat an extension of that thinking, although could prove troublesome for irregular Facebook users who don’t realize they’ve been migrated, leaving themselves exposed when the week is up.
If you want to be proactive and get the Timeline now, go to the Introducing Timeline page and click “Get Timeline.” Or you can wait until you see an announcement at the top of your profile.

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