Live Life!! Love Life!!!

Dream what you want to dream;/
Go where you want to go;/
Be what you want to be,/
Because you have only one life/
And one chance to do all the things/
You want to do./
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,/
Enough trials to make you strong,/
Enough sorrow to keep you human and/
Enough hope to make you happy./
The happiest of people don't necessarily/
Have the best of everything;/
They just make the most of/
Everything that comes along their way./
The brightest future will always/
Be based on a forgotten past;/
You can't go forward in life until/
You let go of your past failures and heartaches./
When you were born, you were crying/
And everyone around you was smiling/
Live your life so at the end/
You're the one who is smiling and everyone/
Around you is crying. 

Disconnect to Connect---Facebook


Three Indians conquer the Tech World!!!

We have heard about the founders of Twitter and Orkut and we spend money to watch movies about the creator of facebook!

But how many of us know about Archana, Puneet, Sonpreet. Three fellow Indians who making waves across the tech world! The Trio have created a Mobile app called MyCityWay which has around 3 Million users across the globe and is the No.1 Urban mobility app in the WORLD! 

They are celebrated as one of the best upcoming entrepreneurs in the world!!!!

The trio like any other Indian had went to NewYork to pursue their American dream but were brave enough to quit their high paying Wall street Job to start their own start up company, three Indians going to NewYork, without any help stating their own company and making it big across the globe is such a feat!!!  They would have undergone struggles and challenges in the foreign land but they have really created history!!

Their App is across the world and in 50+ cities and it is the no.1 travel app in every city they go!
This is a proud achievement for all Indians!!!!!!!!!

They are also officially endorsed and funded by the NewYork government.  

And the greatest of all the news is BMW has approached them and MyCityWay to create navigation technology for all their Future cars!!!! What a feat it is! BMW the world greatest car manufacturer now depends on three Indians to develop their future cars!!!!!

 This is a moment where we can lift our collars as Indians!!!

And recently they have also release their app for Indian cities Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi and the app is available for iPhone, Android and blackberry!


Check out their work at

This is another feather in the cap for Indian technical brilliance.

Forward this to all Indians you know and make them aware that if we dream big we Indians can also conquer the world!!!!

All Lives are PRECIOUS


Beware of another Facebook spam!

Have you been hit like millions of Facebook users by a new phishing scam that can result in crashing your computers or mobile phones and steal your passwords? If not, beware, do not open the files ending with '.at' or '.be.'

The phishing scam is being run through the spam messages which steals the sensitive information of the Facebook users. In the attack, the messages are circulated with a subject line of 'Hello' and a prompt to check out or other URLs ending in '.at.'  

The mails with the subject line Look at This and links like --,,, -- leads to some malicious Web sites, which if visited, could secretly download malware onto computers through a drive-by download application.  

The URL connectivity, before being blocked directs the visitor to a fake Facebook page and the mail ID and password are stolen as soon as it is logged-in again.

According to the All Facebook blog.Facebook, the password in such cases should be changed immediately and the same message should be sent across to one's Facebook acquaintance.
'Whoever is behind the scam has been steadily amassing a large number of e-mail addresses and passwords over the past few weeks,' the blog says.Though, Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt said: 'The impact of this attack or the previous ones are not widespread and only impacted a tiny fraction of a per cent of users.

'We've been updating our monitoring systems with information gleaned from the previous attacks so that each new attack is detected more quickly,' he said.
The site has blocked links to the new phishing sites from being shared on Facebook and has added them to the block lists of the major browsers.
The social networking site is working with partners to have the sites taken down completely, he said adding Facebook is also cleaning up phony messages and wall posts and resetting the passwords of affected users.
'We believe the bad guys here are phishing an account and then trying those credentials on webmail providers,' Schnitt said.
So, for example, if a user is compromised on Facebook and has the same login and ID password for their Gmail, the attacker may be able to intercept the Facebook password reset and compromise the account again in the future, he added.

Google+ halts invites after 'insane demand'

Google, the world's biggest search engine, shut down the invite mechanism for its new Google+ social network after "insane demand", said Vic Gundotra, head of social efforts, on the company's website.
Google unveiled the service June 28 in a fresh attempt to compete with Facebook.
Google+ looks similar to Facebook, with streaming updates of photos, messages, comments and other content from selected groups of friends.
Chief executive officer Larry Page is starting Google+ after missteps last year with the introduction of a social component to Gmail called Buzz.
Google needs to fix the invitation glitch quickly if it wants to effectively challenge Facebook, the world's largest social network, said Forrester Research analyst Josh Bernoff.
"The utility of a social environment depends on your ability to invite people to it," Bernoff said.
"If you want to try this out but your friends are not on the system and cannot get on the system because of the blocking of the invitation, it's not a very good test."
The social network will initially be available to only a limited set of users, Google said when it introduced the new feature.
The company said it has been testing Google+ internally and is now ready to gradually open up what it calls a "project" to the general public.
"We launched Google+ in a field trial in order to test the product out and gather more feedback," Google said in an emailed statement.
"As part of the field trial, we may open and close Google+ to new users at any time.We're thrilled so many people are interested in trying out a new approach to online sharing."
The company declined to comment on user numbers in the Google+ test.
Overall, Google's site had 1 billion visitors in May globally, making it No.1, according to market researcher ComScore Inc.
Microsoft ranks second with 905 million and Facebook is third with 714 million.
As internet users spend more time on social-networking sites, Google is releasing new social features to lure Web surfers to its own services and expand advertising sales.
Facebook captured 13 per cent of total hours people spent online in May, while Google got 10 per cent, according to ComScore Inc.
"It's good that Google is taking a slower approach," Mike Hickey, an analyst with Janco Partners.
"The last thing they want to do is plug in 10 million people and have a sour experience for them."
In March, Google reached a settlement with the US Federal Trade Commission to resolve concerns it violated its own privacy policies with its Buzz service.
Google also made an earlier foray in social networking with its Orkut site, started in 2004.
While the service made inroads emerging markets such as Brazil, it hasn't matched the growth of Facebook globally.
The new service, which integrates with Google's maps and images, seeks to help people organize social contacts easily within groups of friends

Brilliant Examples of Photo Manipulation Art

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